Entrepreneurs And Coffee

12: Consistency Consistently - The Third Rule of Brand Building



Interested in going from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur without quitting your job?  Let's chat! Who messes up the first sentence? This guy. I really hope you enjoyed the last episode in this series where I shared Rule number two of Bobby Hundreds’ 10 Rules of Brand Building. As before, you can find the full article at thehundreds.com. Today, we’re gonna rap about Rule Number 3, but first I want to remind you to go toentrepreneursandcoffee.com/ask and ask me a question for Free Q&A Friday tomorrow.  We have a few ready to roll out but I can’t wait to hear YOUR question to go to entrepreneursandcoffee.com/ask and leave me a question. It takes 30 seconds and I can’t wait to feature you on the show! I love the book Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.  I had the fortune of reading it for the first time on vacation with my wife and my parents.  I do most of my thinking and planning by getting away from my normal location and routine and this was no different.  You see, in Outliers, Gladwell says you can achieve maste