

I am confident in saying that today’s podcast will be a huge treat for the Epic Success tribe! I was recently interviewed by the sassy, successful Christina Jandali for her Scaling for Passive Profits series. Some of you may know my story, but for those who do not, this is a great way to not only get to know me as a high performance achievement mentor, but also get sneak peek into the processes I give my clients to create a business and life that they love.   A bit about Christina: She is a confidence boosting, cash-creating Business Growth Strategist for women who want to capitalize and profit from their unique genius and leave behind their corporate career in favor of building their own freedom-based online business. Make sure you visit her links at the bottom of the show notes to learn more about her (and receive a free gift!) after you listen to today’s podcast.  Key points to take away from my interview:    How being multi-passionate (or as I call it: a ”serial entrepreneur”) set me on a path of s