

Have you ever had that moment when you realized you were made for something more, something bigger? That you had something you knew you needed to offer the world? Today that is the story you will hear about how Christina Jandali built her multi-6 figure business after leaving her 9-5!  Get ready to learn how to deliver your genius! Christina is back on the Epic Success Podcast to give us the low-down on capitalizing and profiting from your unique talents, be creatively visible and create BIG profits using Facebook groups.   Working in a primarily male-dominated industry, Christina found that her life was strictly tied to her rigid work schedule. It wasn’t until her daughter was born that Christina realized in order to inspire her child to be the best version of herself, she would have to pave the way and lead by example, not just words. She quickly left her corporate job and began building her own self-driven career as a confidence boosting, cash creating Business Growth Strategist for female entrepreneur