

Do you identify with any of this internal dialogue?  “I need to hustle hustle hustle!”  “Time to do more to make more!”  “If I don’t learn ‘all the things’, I will never succeed.”  If this sounds like you, you may have fallen victim to the current “rise and grind” epidemic that has infiltrated the entrepreneur community.   And while you may feel that you are getting a lot of things done... this toxic lifestyle is actually slowing down your progress and getting in the way of your success.  So, how can we combat this addiction? That’s exactly what we talk about this week on the to do less to make more.   Some highlights of the podcast you don’t want to miss:   Employ the 3 C’s for massive growth   What successful 7 figure entrepreneurs are doing INSTEAD of the hustle   How you can become exactly who you want to in your business and hit those big goals with ease   I am never one to promise that you will earn a million dollars overnight.   But I will tell you there is an ea