

Are you all set to jump on YouTube to level up your business…but you don’t know where to start?? You’ve heard how “amazing” YouTube is to grow your following but you’ve had a channel, have put videos up and…...“crickets”. Today I am bringing my YouTube Superman Justin Brown to the rescue! With the right support, YouTube doesn’t have to be a scary undertaking! Justin and Mike Brown funneled their years of videography and business expertise into Primal Video, their business focused on demystifying YouTube and teaching Entrepreneurs like you how to use it to explode your business! Justin is here today on the Epic Success Podcast to tell you how they did it and how you can get started too! The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: -      “What do our viewers want?” Focus on how best to serve your audience. Use one of Justin’s suggested free online tools to find out their top questions and struggles. Then draw them in to watch your videos with keywords and enticing thumbnails. Your viewers are at the centre