

Are you tired of the constant hustling for another $1000/month or the next 1000 subscribers? Does it feel like no matter what you do, you keep coming up short of your goal number? What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? That there is profit beyond chasing money? It’s time to lead your business with love and Jadah Sellner is here today on the Epic Success Podcast to tell you all about it! From co-founding the wildly-successful Simple Green Smoothies movement to creating the Love Over Metrics Business™ Growth Incubator, Jadah guides female Entrepreneurs in growing their online presence and building community by putting people first. Dive in to find out how to connect your business with your vision and make a long-lasting impact in the world!    The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: -      “Measure what matters to you” The numbers on your balance sheet or in your bank account do not represent your true worth. You are more than just your revenue. Align your Epic Life and Business with your m