

Whether you always jump into new ideas to push your business forward or you constantly focus on the ‘how’ behind your goals to deliver on your promises, maximising your Entrepreneurial style is key to growing your business to that Epic level you envision. I’ve done just that by building my entire business based on the “Rocket Fuel” model. It’s helped me hire the right team and grow my business 500x in the last two years. This is one of the secrets behind my online success and I’m excited to share it with you today! Mark Winters, co-author of “Rocket Fuel”, is on the Epic Success Podcast today to break it all down for you. Mark is dedicated to helping Entrepreneurs channel their strengths into their business and reach the freedom to be who they’re really meant to be. No matter your Entrepreneurial style, get set to harness your potential and lead your business to the next level! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: -      “What energizes you?” Visionaries tend to be focused on the big picture and w