

If you are in any kind of business, but especially if you’re in online business, legally protecting yourself should be a priority. There are so many people online who are unclear on what’s right, and what’s wrong when it comes to online business. My guest today on the Epic Success Podcast is going to blow your mind in terms of what you need to be doing and NOT doing in your business to ensure you are in compliance. We cover things you may not have thought about but need to. When you are in business, you need to act like a business. Today I have with me one of my favorite online legal experts, Bobby Klinck, from Your Online Genius.  After attending Harvard, working at top law firms and being a federal prosecutor, Bobby changed direction and has created a thriving community providing legal guidance for online entrepreneurs. Tune in to hear what Bobby says are the biggest legal mistakes he sees online entrepreneurs making and what they can do to protect themselves in this digital age. The biggest take-aways from