

Do you ever feel like you must strive and hustle in order to achieve success and take your business to the next level? I used to, too. Today I’m breaking down the brain science of success. We’re going to talk about how to THINK like a 7-figure entrepreneur so you can become one even faster and easier. I’m here to tell you with so much tough love: your brain is not wired to be an entrepreneur. But you can hardwire your brain for success...and I’m going to tell you how. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Your conscious, thinking brain is the boss. It is in 100% control. Unfortunately for 98% of entrepreneurs, your brain is on auto-pilot.”   Scientific research shows that 80-90% of your daily actions and decisions come from the subconscious part of your brain. Your subconscious mind’s sole job is to listen to the thoughts you repeat over and over in your conscious brain and automate it. What we repeat becomes a belief. For a lot of us, what we’ve hardwired into our subconscious brains through