Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Stopping Fear from Stopping You with Dr. Shannon Irvine



This 4-letter F word will change your life.  Of course the F word I am talking about is FEAR.  Ever felt it? Yeah, me too. I still feel it every day. My guess is that if you’re an entrepreneur, you have experienced fear. Whether you’re afraid of going live on your Instagram... Or leaving your corporate job to pursue your calling... Or launching your first course to the world. As an entrepreneur, fear is something we have to welcome and learn to use to our advantage. In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about fear in the brain and how to eliminate it.  Fear is a normal part of life, and it’s a sign that your brain is working exactly how it’s supposed to. But fear doesn’t have to keep you from living the life you’ve always dreamed of having.  You can learn to recognize fear and actually eliminate it… using fear to your advantage to live the life you’ve always wanted. For your brain - FEAR is Find (False) Evidence Appearing Real and Fire neurochemicals to keep you SAFE at all cost! If you’r