Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Anchoring your Life to What Matters Most with Christine Caine



Over the past year, on more than one occasion I’ve found myself in a situation that left me thinking, “What just happened?” How about you? We’ve experienced so much changing, shifting and upheaval in the last year - and it’s left many grasping for stability. Do you feel like you’ve drifted from routine, stability, comfort, control and/or peace in the past year? It’s okay if you have, and I promise you - you’re not alone, and I’m so excited for you to hear today’s episode.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with best-selling author and one of my heroes in the faith, Christine Caine. This woman is a POWER HOUSE with an incredible story. We talk all about the drifting that can occur in our lives when we aren’t anchored to the right things, and about the freedom and hope that we unlock when we do anchor our lives to what matters most.  I know that not everyone is a part of the Christian faith, and I respect and honor that - AND I challenge you not to tune out because of that. Christine offers such val