Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Know Yourself, Know Your Money with Rachel Cruze



As an entrepreneur, you cannot avoid the discussion about money… And the topic of money often gives people a strong emotional reaction.   The fact is, your stories about money are governing 90% of your daily actions and decisions.  But do we really know where our feelings about money came from?  So much of it is built in the subconscious from what you learned in your childhood and young adulthood..  Once you change those money stories it changes your life forever. When you do that, you put yourself in a position to dream, to take what you can control and lean into your dream.  Think: why not me? This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and personal financial expert Rachel Cruze. She has written a (soon-to-be-best-selling) book, Know Yourself, Know Your Money all about understanding your patterns with money and how that plays a role in your business.  I’m so excited for this episode! Ready to tackle your money story? Let’s dive in!  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Money