Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Reality with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Did you know, on average, a person makes over 30,000 decisions in a single day?  And that’s just on average.  As an entrepreneur, you’re faced with even more decision making as you navigate building your business. Do you feel you just react to things that happen in your business and then quickly decide based on your emotions in that given moment? Or even feel like you can’t decide at all?  … I’ve been guilty of this too... And I know from personal experience that it can often feel like things are happening to us, leaving us feeling wildly out of control. As much as I know you are wanting to become the creator of your thoughts and life, it can often feel like the decisions you’re faced with are largely out of your control. Truth is, those decisions that you’re making are created from thoughts, and you have 100% control over your thoughts. All your decisions create your reality.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I want to empower you to take control of your decisions by taking control of your thoughts. Th