Delight Your Marriage

305-Fear God and Remember to "Make Love"



Our society today so often wants to ignore God's design and essentially forget the fear of the Lord. But, he made men and women in His image and those uniquenesses are incredible! Physiological, psychological, emotional, and sexual...UNIQUE. Each of our uniquenesses is God's glory revealed. It's our opportunity to search out His glory through each other.  And it makes sense that the enemy wants to undermine God's design in every way that he can. One way is pretending that we're the same.  Why is this bad? Well, husbands assume their wives are intentionally hurting them because she is "withholding" love (in the unique way he receives it), thus grounds for unfaithfulness/divorce/all manner of destruction. And wives assume their husbands are intentionally hurting them because he is "withholding" love (in the unique way she receives it), thus grounds for unfaithfulness/divorce/all manner of destruction. But if we start with the perspective: My spouse, my "ezer kə·neḡ·dōw" (from Gen 2:18), is WILDLY different than