Moveu Unfiltered

What MovesU: Jill Miller Dropping All the Knowledge onto MoveU!



Welcome to What MovesU, a show aimed at highlighting the amazing individuals we come into contact with. Whether it's telling the incredible stories of our MoveU members, interviewing experts in their fields or learning how people became movement masters; this show will certainly have something for everybody. If you want to learn more about MoveU, your body or your mind you don't want to miss this...probably, I mean it's brand new. Who knows.  On this week's episode of MoveU Jill Miller, Author of the Roll Model and Creator of Yoga Tune Up Worldwide graces us with her intellectually infectious self. In the episode we get to hear her story of applying her knowledge to prehab and rehab the SH!t out of total hip replacement, along with learning just how magical her balls are, and how you can use them to improve any aspect of your life. Whether you're laid up dealing with an injury, or setting PRs on the field or in the gym, come learn why Jill’s Therapy Balls must be an addition to your daily regimen!  If you'd