Damaris Norge - Kobler Kristen Tro Og Populærkultur

Where is God in a Coronavirus world? An interview with author John Lennox and TV producer Iain Morris



Where is God in a Coronavirus world? How belief in a loving and sovereign God helps us to make sense of and cope with the coronavirus outbreak   This is the title of a brand new book by John Lennox, published today in UK. See https://www.thegoodbook.co.uk/where-is-god-in-a-coronavirus-world.   John Lennox is a well-known Oxford professor emeritus in Mathematics and a remarkable Christian apologist. Listen to this fascinating interview with Lennox about his new book. Republished with permission from this video: https://vimeo.com/403768707.   ----------- Mange lyttere til denne podkasten kjenner John Lennox som hovedtaler på Veritaskonferansen 2018. Se https://www.damaris.no/lennox   I dette engasjerende intervjuet deler Lennox noen refleksjoner fra sin helt nye bok om følgende brennaktuelle spørsmål: Hvor er Gud i krevende koronatider?