Damaris Norge - Kobler Kristen Tro Og Populærkultur

Peter Mead - Preaching Big Ideas or Big Story? Lessons Both Ways (II)



The big idea preaching school tend to emphasize the particular passage open before them. They never dismiss the big story of the Bible, but their primary concern is to communicate the message of this particular passage. The big story preaching school tend to emphasize the big story of redemption, irrespective of which specific text they may be preaching. They don’t dismiss the importance of a particular passage, but their primary concern is to preach the big picture gospel at every opportunity. Both approaches can be highly effective. And both approaches can be done very poorly. One way both will fall short is where the Bible is mishandled. Dette foredraget av Peter Mead er fra et webinar om Forkynnelse som dobbel lytting 1/3-21. Webinaret ble arrangert av NLA (KL) og Damaris Norge i tilknytning til emnet KL204 Bibelformidling og bibelfortolkning. Peter Mead er en profilert forkynner, prekenlærer og blogger. Se gjerne bloggen biblicalpreaching.net: “Pondering Preaching that Shares God's Heart”.   Vil d