Valley Beit Midrash

Micha Odenheimer - Reflections on the Conflict, Anti-Zionism, and American Jews



Rabbi Micha Odenheimer, the founder of Tevel B'Tzedek (, presents his lecture, "Reflections on the Conflict, Anti-Zionism, and American Jews" before an audience at Temple Chai ( in Phoenix, AZ. ABOUT THIS LECTURE: Micha, a rabbi and writer, who has lived in Israel for the past 32 years, will share snapshots from his personal experience as an Israeli, an American Jew, and a journalist on the current debate about Zionism, the conflict and Israel. Why do emotions on this issue run so high, and disagreements hurt so much? What facts and issues are too often ignored in the debate? What are the internal and external dangers that Israel faces as a result of the conflict? How can the discussion be reframed in order to move forward? What are the signs of hope, alongside the warning signs of hazard and potential tragedy? DONATE: For more info, please visit: