Hold On One Second We're Talking About Britney Spears

EPISODE 25: Hold On One Second We're Talking About K-Fed



It's finally time to start walking down the long and busted road that is Britney (@britneyspears) and Kevin Federline's relationship. It's Fathers Day and he is technically a father 100 times over plus I (@ashleyhammm) just found out his middle name is Earl, which makes a lot of sense. Claire (@clairethescare) also has some good (?) dates this week and the podcast (@weretalkingaboutBS) has a brand new segment. Finally, this episode features an important word from our sponsors (Dads.) Follow us Instagram: @weretalkingaboutBS Twitter: @HOOSWTABS Finding K-Fed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzYH0Iw-SgM