Plant Pot

It's His Fault



A very angry and upset man walked into the courts with hard evidence against the devil. “I’ve got it all right here.” The man shouted waving papers in his hands. The devil who was also in the courtroom, was shaking his head professing his innocence. “Your Honour this just isn’t true. I shouldn’t be here.” The devil exclaimed. The judge called them both forward to hear their side of the story. James had brought a case against the devil, boldly declaring that he was the one who had led him to sin and messed up his day. The devil shook his head denying the claims that he had ever been involved. “I did no such thing your honour.” The devil said. “Liarrrr!” James shouted. The Judge brings the court to order and looks over at James. “Please can you tell me your side of the story and include all the evidence you have.”