Acmi Podcasts

Julian Rosefeldt Keynote Lecture



Join us for a keynote lecture by artist Julian Rosefeldt as he discusses his practice and pays homage to the beauty of artists’ manifestos, the basis of his new work 'Manifesto', featuring Cate Blanchett. Julian Rosefeldt’s work reflects the artist’s fascination with day-to-day reality and the stereotypes, clichés and mindless repetitions that suffuse popular culture. Rosefeldt is renowned for his visually opulent and meticulously choreographed moving image artworks. Inspired equally by film, art and pop-culture histories, Rosefeldt creates complex and compelling experiences that combine narrative and non-linear film installations. With works that are often projected simultaneously onto several screens, Rosefeldt carries viewers into surreal, theatrical realms, where the inhabitants are absorbed by the rituals of everyday life. Within these episodic arrangements, Rosefeldt uses familiar cinematic tropes and devices to explore themes of dislocation, alienation, and social and psychological disruption.