Acmi Podcasts

VR: Changing the Rules of Storytelling



Storytelling is at the core of all human art. Storytelling provides a way of sharing and interpreting experiences, bringing an understanding and meaning of human existence. Throughout history, storytelling has evolved through different media from verbal into written, from theatre into film, and now into Virtual Reality. VR is empowering storytellers with new tools and platforms to produce innovative content that immerse the viewer in ways like never before. In this podcast we discuss the exciting new ways of storytelling in VR (in games and cinematic VR).Exploring topics such as constructing narrative for VR, immersion: how to tell a stories now that the audience is more than just a passive observer, presence, perspective, direction and agency. Panellists include: Brendan Croxon, Brooke Maggs, Clea Frost, Piers Mussared and Chris Bailey.