Spec Script

Downton Abbey by Chris Khatami Starring Lucia Fasano, Simon Gibson, Laura Anne Whitley & More



For the 12th episode of Spec Script we read an episode of DOWNTON ABBEY written by Chris Khatami, someone who has never seen that show. CAST LORD DOWNTON - Kyle McCormick DOWAGER COUNTESS - Lucia Fasano DAUGHTER - Laura Anne Whitley DAN STEVENS - Shane Hosea MAID - Alexandra Jade BUTTLER - Simon Gibson LORD NIGEL MONEYWORTH - Jaren George PEAKY BLINDER - Nick Puente CHIMENY CRICKET THE CHIMNEY SWEEP - Chris Khatami POOR LIL BOY - Shane Hosea NARRATOR - Mark Tayne Written by Chris Khatami Hosted by Kyle McCormick, Shane Hosea & Chris Khatami Spec Script is a show where someone who has never seen a popular TV show writes an episode of said show. The podcast is a table read of the episode performed at Kelly's Olympian in Portland, OR 2nd Sundays of the month. Released on the Rivercity Podcast Federation.