Holistic Survival Show

598: The Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution & Free Enterprise with Jonathan Emord, Part 1



There is an assault on the individual in today's society. We're seeing organizations taking over the governmental system and imposing restrictions on the average American that are going unchecked. How can we fight back and bring America back to its founding ideals? Jason Hartman is joined by Jonathan Emord, author of the new book The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterprise from the 19th Century to the Present, to discuss just that. Key Takeaways: [2:43] Organizations like BLM and Antifa were founded by communists trying to destroy local, national, and state governments and overthrow capitalism [7:31] Capitalizing on the notion of racism in blacks is a very effective tool for inducing protests by all races [14:37] 3/4 of federal law is made by unelected bureaucracy [19:50] Big tech companies are trying to skirt the 1st Amendment, but the way they're operating they should be bound by it [23:57] Jason's 3 solutions to big tech tyranny [26:52] Our handling of maj