Do Over

DO 082: Sharon Lechter - Master Your Money or It will Master You



Matt is joined by Sharon Lechter, Co-author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, CPA, entrepreneur, international speaker, and proud Mother and Grandmother. Mrs. Lechter is also a national spokesperson for the AICPA for financial literacy, a former member of the first President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy, founder of Pay Your Family First and YOUTHpreneur. Her latest books released in cooperation with the Napoleon Hill Foundation include, “Three Feet from Gold” and “Outwitting the Devil”. She has also released an award winning money and life reality board game, “ThriveTime for Teens.” On this episode Matt and Sharon discuss: Entrepreneurship The importance of financial literacy Credit Cards What you're teaching your children Financial education in the school system Senate Bill 1449 - Personal finance in the school curriculum Mastering your money Investing in real estate the right way Think and Grow Rich for Women Thrive Time for Teens Enjoy!