Nj Spotlight Conference Series

NJ's Hidden Poverty 10/29/18



It’s been 10 years since United Way set an ambitious goal to make the invisible visible. Hidden within every community, every age group, and every ethnicity were a growing number of workers earning above the poverty line, but less than what’s needed to survive. In a state perceived as wealthy, United Way placed a spotlight on these workers, calling them ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). Today with some 900,000 ALICE households in New Jersey – nearly triple the number in poverty – it’s a moral and economic imperative that we find innovative solutions that stem this growth in financial instability. NJ Spotlight and United Ways of New Jersey teamed up on October 29, 2018 to bring together our state’s top lawmakers and thought leaders to explore how New Jersey can be a national model for change in reversing this trend.