Movie Trailer Trash

Good v. Evil, Part II



During this quarantine, Bethany and I find our selves watching and discussing movies, their themes and their actor’s faces. This 3-part series is going to look at one of the most commonly used movie themes of all time, Good vs. Evil. We will use these 3 episodes to celebrate and criticize the Good vs. Evil model along with spotlighting some movies that have done it well, but not perfectly. In the next episode, we will discuss some movies that feature a more nuanced approach, a grey area of a villain. A villain that has a motive that is more understandable, a villain that was unexpected or even a hero whos motives are questionable. In the third and final episode, we will take some of our favorite Good vs. Evil movies and attempt to slightly tweak them (shout out to the Film Tweakers podcast) to make the villains a little bit more complex. In this episode, we will talk, ramble and stumble over the underlying themes and motives of some of our favorite movies that feature villains who occupy more of a grey ar