Self Made Man

Master Your Morning, And You’ll Master Your Life, with Robin Sharma



It’s no secret that how your morning begins, will usually determine how the rest of your day will unfold. My previous guests and friends have mastered this process, and seen their lives transform as a result… Hal Elrod created the Miracle Morning process which dramatically changed his life the moment he started to apply it. And Aubrey Marcus shares his approach in his book, Own The Day, Own Your Life. In that book he shares a very simple premise… Which is that if you own and master your morning, you’ll own and master your day. And if you can experience the ideal day where you’re in flow, you’ll create the kind of life you could only dream about previously. Well today we’re joined by another extremely successful gentleman who has created his own process for mastering your morning. His name is Robin Sharma, and he has a fascinating story. For most of his adult life, he was a litigation attorney, but it was a career that made him miserable. He dreaded going to work every day, so he finally decided that enough wa