Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Dr. Nina Ansary on Women Worldwide



Dr. Nina Ansary, the author of the book, Jewels of Allah:  The Untold Story of Women in Iran (Revela Press, June 25, 2015), which was inspired by her scholarly journey joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. The book seeks to illuminate the stereotypical assumptions and the often misunderstood story of women in Iran today. In 1996, Nina moved to Los Angeles and began to pursue her passion for humanitarian causes. On the show, she openly discusses the stereotypes that western societies have about Iranian women, the characteristics of a strong woman and what she hopes to achieve through her research, book and life's work. A little more about Dr. Nina Ansary … Nina is an avid philanthropist, she serves on the Middle East Institute Advisory Board at Columbia University, on Columbia University’s Global Leadership Council and on the Board of Trustees of the IAWF (Iranian American Women’s Foundation. She's is a regular contributor to  the Daily Beast, the Huffington Post and Women’s eNews, an award-wi