Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Ashley Tyrner on Women Worldwide



Ashley Tyrner, the founder of Farmbox Direct -- a subscription service that sends locally-sourced, fresh produce to your home joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Ashley's story is absolutely amazing- while pregnant, her then-husband left her and she was forced to go on Food Stamps. During this time, she realized how nutritionally-deficient the food choices were for those on Food Stamps. Ashley decided to call upon her farming background to do something about it -- a long road later, Farmbox Direct was grown. On the show, Ashley discusses how becoming an entrepreneur changed her life and some of the tough obstacles she has faced. She also shares her journey through motherhood and paying very close attention to exactly what was in the food not only she was eating, but also what she was feeding her daughter. A little more about Ashley Tyrner … Ashley stepped down from a job in fashion and the corporate world, to go back to her farming roots. She personally handpicks ever farm, and vendor her comp