Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Ashley Maria on Women Worldwide



Ashley Maria, a writer, director and producer joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Ashley worked on projects ranging from television commercials to multi-platform integration to full-feature films. She is currently working on a documentary called Pioneers in Skirts, which is a social impact film that takes an honest look at the solutions for the setbacks women still face in their careers. On the show, Ashley discusses the challenges that women have encountered over the past 30 years, highlighting insights gleaned from the inspiring professionals interviewed in her documentary, Pioneers in Skirts. Ashley also offers her advice on how to move forward with confidence, even in the toughest situations. A little more about Ashley Maria … Ashley’s past films have won awards at highly acclaimed film festivals around the world. Her first film, Friday Night Fright™, won her a Directors Guild of America Award. She’s been featured in the magazine "Women With Know How" and named one of the top five female f