Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Nicole Rodrigues, Guest Co-host on Women Worldwide



Nicole Rodrigues, Founder of NRPR Group in Beverly Hills, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge as a Guest Co-Host on Women Worldwide. When Nicole initially interviewed, back in early 2015, she focused on women in business and how you have to rise above the stereotypes and to see people for who they are on the inside, no matter what role they play. During this episode of Women Worldwide, Nicole and Deirdre discuss women owed businesses; the challenges, successes, and best daily practices, sharing advice when it comes to some frequently asked questions, including: - What is the biggest obstacle for a woman owning a business? - What is the secret ingredient to business owner success? - What advice would you give to women about the amount of time necessary to network as a business owner vs. managing the business? - As a women business owner should you be a creative visionary or a methodical professional, or both? A little more about Nicole Rodrigues … Nicole is an entrepreneur and very tech savvy entertainment public