Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Kathy Caprino on Women Worldwide



Kathy Caprino, an International Career Success Consultant dedicated to the advancement of women in business joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Kathy is currently the Founder and President of Ellia Communications, after spending 18 years as a former corporate marketing VP. Kathy is also a trained psychotherapist, seasoned coach, and a much sought-after speaker. On the show, Kathy shares her how she reclaimed her life; a journey from corporate marketing executive to trained psychotherapist and career success coach for women in business. She details how any big transformation will uncover certain “blocks” or obstacles that you have to face head on, so they do not stop you from achieving your goals. Kathy discusses what it takes to move past these blocks, even if they are rooted in your childhood. She also offers great advice on the best ways to destress, energize and rejuvenate, so you can be more fully “present” in your life. A little more about Kathy Caprino … As a Forbes, Huffington Post and