Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Cecelia Fitzgibbon on Women Worldwide



Cecelia Fitzgibbon, President of Moore College of Art and Design, joins hostDeirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide for an in-person interviewon the college campus. President Fitzgibbon assumed the officeof president at Moore in July 2012. She serves as executive editorof The Journal ofArts Management, Law, and Society. She is also a speakernationally and internationally on topics of leadership in the artsand cultural policy.On the show, President Fitzgibbon dives into the topic ofleadership sharing her thoughts on the Imposter Syndrome, therisks, and failure associated with leadership and the criticalthinking process that is required when you are a leadertoday.  In this in-person interview, she not only answersquestions about how to build the best relationships and the type ofnetwork that is required, but she also responds to individualstudent questions. A few of the student questions focus on how tohandle the fear of the unknown, how to showcase your talentand leadership and the best ways to balance persona