Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jimmy Wayne on Women Worldwide



Jimmy Wayne, country music singer, and songwriter joins host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Jimmy is the author of the New York Times best-selling book, Walk to Beautiful, The Power of Love and a Homeless Kid Who Found the Way. In his memoir, Jimmy shares how he survived life on the streets and as a foster kid, bouncing in and out of the foster care system. Jimmy was able to overcome great adversity in his life and now uses his country music platform to help children everywhere. On the show, Jimmy shares what it was like to experience life as a child growing up with uncertainty, and in different homes. He had to cope with an environment filled with violence, drugs, stress, and rejection. Jimmy learned to survive taking the advice of his granddad who told him to “get out there and work.” Through a strong work ethic, Jimmy earned money wherever and whenever he could. His message now is for people (especially men) to get out there and to give an hour of their time to boys in the foster care system. The