Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Holli Thompson on Women Worldwide



Holli Thompson, author of the book, Discover Your Nutritional Style: Your Seasonal Plan to a Healthy, Happy, and Delicious Life” joins host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Holli is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and a Nutritional Health professional. She is also the founder of Nutritional Style®, a health and nutrition blog and consulting company. She has been highlighted in USA Today magazine, Kiwi Magazine, DC Modern Magazine, Washington Life, and numerous other periodicals On the show, Holli shares her journey from never feeling well to a life of energy and good health. She was a VP at Chanel who decided to jump off the business fast track. Her move to a different environment triggered changes in her body, leaving Holli to suffer from chronic migraines, sinus issues, and autoimmune issues.  No longer wanting to live on antibiotics, which simply masked the root of her health problems, she changed her life and became a student of nutrition, learning that certain food groups were the culprit. Toda