Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Stephanie Carls on Women Worldwide



Stephanie Carls, digital lifestyle enthusiast, and video marketer joins host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Named a "Twitter Powerhouse" by The Huffington Post, Stephanie shares her passion for technology and social media focusing on the ways both are changing how you live and share information. Through engaging video content, she enjoys showing how to make sense of technology so you can tap and swipe your way to a simpler and more savvy life. On the show, Stephanie shares many interesting insights on social media and technology. She lets you in on some important video marketing strategy tips and what it truly means to be a digital lifestyle enthusiast. When it comes to being "on camera" Stephanie states, “You really have to want to do and practice makes perfect.” She recommends recording yourself and asking your closest confidants to critique your performance. Her biggest question to her inner circle, “Is the Stephanie you get on camera the same as the Stephanie who sits in a room with you?” The un