Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Carrie Kerpen on Women Worldwide



Carrie Kerpen, CEO and co-founder of Likeable Media, an award-winning digital content studio, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Carrie is a regular podcaster, and just recently launched the 100th episode of her show, All The Social Ladies. She's a keynote speaker who discusses social media and women in business and is a regular contributor to Forbes and Inc. magazine. As an early adopter of social media and technology, Carrie discusses the impact social media has on women and how it can be a confidence detractor. On the show, she mentions the Highlight Reel and how you can get caught up in the “best" of what people are sharing via their social channels. Viewing their success and then making comparisons to your own life and career is a confidence detractor rather than a confidence builder.  Carrie points out that the Highlight Reel doesn’t present everything behind a person’s business or life; it doesn't show challenges or weaknesses. Keeping this in mind helps you to realize that the key to