Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jessica Iclisoy on Women Worldwide



Jessica Iclisoy, CEO and founder of California Baby, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Jessica is a woman who has long been ahead of her time. It was while Jessica was pregnant with her first child more than two decades ago that she began a dive deep into research about how to live the healthiest, most natural life possible. With no intention of starting a business but driven by an absolute determination to change the status quo, Jessica found replacements for unsafe cleansing and fragrance ingredients and made what would be the first California Baby product—a calming, shampoo and body wash. On the show, Jessica shares her story; how she never intended to start a business but was looking for a healthier lifestyle. The launch of California Baby marked a period in time when organic / natural were not a part of our vernacular. Twenty years ago, she was educating the market and branding her company as a reflection of California lifestyle and thinking, which now is very popular. Jessica discusses