Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Rebekah Iliff on Women Worldwide



Rebekah Iliff, Chief Strategy Officer, at AirPR, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Previously, Rebekah was the CEO of talkTECH Communications, where she created an industry-first methodology for emerging technology companies positioning talkTECH as one of the fastest growing, launch-only PR firms in the U.S. She is also currently a columnist for Inc., and a contributing writer for Mashable, Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post. On the show, Rebekah, who is passionate about diversity and inclusion in the workplace, shares the importance of both to an organization. Her insights on the subject range from how you can’t have one without the other, the role of leadership as mentors and how leaders can leverage a diverse and inclusive workforce. Rebekah also shares her thoughts on what women must do to get recognized in an organization from having a voice to getting more comfortable with rejection. As a business professional, Rebekah is no stranger to challenges and discusses her own growth openly and