Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jen Kluczkowski on Women Worldwide



Jen Kluczkowski, CEO, and co-founder of Mindfresh, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Jen started her company, Mindfresh, to provide on­site and digital mindful movement experiences to improve body language, enhance emotional IQ, and increase attention spans. With a background in startup media environments and 8 years studying the philosophy of yoga, Jen leverages her experience in both worlds to make mindfulness accessible in the office environment. Today, Jen leads a growing team of 30 Mindfresh teachers in New York City and San Francisco with similar and relatable "business­ meets­ mindfulness" backgrounds. On the show, Jen discusses her personal career journey and how chronic pain, anxiety, and fatigue led her to a lifestyle change of yoga and mindfulness. Knowing the benefits she experienced, Jen launched Mindfresh and quickly pioneered a path in organizations to help their employees who were also experiencing cycles of burnout. Jen openly shares her challenges and the education process