Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Dr. Patty Ann Tublin on Women Worldwide



Dr. Patty Ann Tublin, author of the book, Money Can Buy You Happiness, and internationally recognized relationship and communication expert joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. As a female entrepreneur, corporate consultant and licensed therapist,  Dr. Patty Ann has helped hundreds of corporate and entrepreneurial business women learn how to create it all – a highly successful thriving business without having to sacrifice happiness in their marriage and family life. On the show show Dr. Patty Ann shares how it is difficult for women to talk about money. Your attitude about money is formed over time. It starts in the home with your parents and your surrounding culture. Your experiences shape your financial personality whether your a spender or a saver and is reflected in how you spend money.  Dr. Patty Ann also shares her thoughts around women negotiating for more money in the workplace, something that is not taught when you're younger. She shares several of the strategies and skills you need to