Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Sharon Nir on Women Worldwide



Sharon Nir an immigrant career woman and author of the new memoir, The Opposite of Comfortable, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Sharon writes a riveting universal tale of her family's quest to find a new life in an unknown land and delivers a first-hand account of a highly-skilled immigrant career woman on the minefield of "legal immigration" into the United States. On the show, Sharon discussed her career as a systems analyst and her work in the high tech industry in Tel Aviv. When she developed the first Knowledge Management System in Israel she was propelled into a successful tech career. At age 29, her husband, a transplantation surgeon, was offered a fellowship in the US and Sharon chose to keep her family together venturing to a new land. Sharon shares how she left her family and comfort zone, adjusted to life in NYC and learned the difference between a career and a job … each one coming with a price tag. A little more about Sharon Nir … At age 18, Sharon joined the Israeli Defense