Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jack Myers on Women Worldwide



Jack Myers, founder of MediaVillage and the author of the The Future of Men: Masculinity in the Twenty-First Century, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Jack is a cultural, economics and technology visionary as well as an award-winning documentary film producer. He’s been researching and reporting on the impact of technology and media on society for over forty years. On the show, Jack shares his inspiration behind his book, The Future of Men, and perspectives on a generation in cultural conflict. He discusses how men are amidst two opposing worlds; there are those rebelling with the stand-up, be tough and adversarial attitude toward the societal shift of women in power. At the same time, there are men actively embracing feminine qualities, showing emotion, and empathy, and collaborating more with women in the workplace and in the home. Jack's research focuses on media shaping perceptions from the beer commercials that objectify women to the TV sitcom male role models (the past vs. the presen