Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Shannon Bloemker on Women Worldwide



Shannon Bloemker, founder and CEO of Glasshouse.com, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Shannon has extensive experience in residential design, construction management, cost control, green building, and home maintenance. After having learned the value of good property management during her years as a strategist and co-owner of Five Ten Capital, Shannon founded Glasshouse in 2015 to bring the benefits of preventative maintenance to the single-family owner-occupied market. On the show, Shannon discussed how a circuitous path took her from working 80-hour weeks on Wall Street to 80 hours weekly as an entrepreneur and owner of her start-up company.  With a passion for sustainability, she created Glasshouse to help homeowners sustain their biggest investments in life … their homes. Shannon shared the challenges of marketing to niche audiences and building strong partnerships. Social media, PR and relationship building and trade shows have been instrumental in increasing company awareness and thoug