Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Samantha Paxson on Women Worldwide



Samantha Paxson, Chief Marketing Officer at CO-OP Financial Services joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Samantha is the chief architect and marketing technologist who leads the development of her company's go to market corporate strategy for product development, credit, sales, business development, and marketing. On the show, Samantha discusses her journey, transitioning from PR and marketing agency work to a position in Financial Services. She shares how she was “ignorant enough not to have any fears” often raising her hand to get involved in new responsibilities. For her, “passionate ignorance has no limitations.” Samantha believes this was the secret to getting recognized early on. At CO-OP Financial Services, she was promoted to Vice President by the age of 30. Samantha's ability to collaborate with others and to build trust with her team helped her to advance more quickly. She also discusses the importance of understanding what’s going on in a company that's larger than your own role, an