Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Neen James on Women Worldwide



Keynote Speaker and Leadership Coach Neen James joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Neen's corporate background is in learning and development, and managing large teams throughout several industries. As a motivational keynote speaker, she focuses on productivity and helps leaders get more done, so they can create more significant moments in life. Neen has been referred to as a "force of nature" with "boundless energy." On the show, Neen dives into the characteristics of a good speaker. If you’re really interested in speaking, then you have to be authentic, reliable and approachable. She also stresses that you must put aside your ego and make sure you have a quality message. Many people call themselves speakers and just regurgitate someone else’s material. Neen also shares what productivity means to her. She says, "Productivity is having time to do what really matters in your life." Productivity takes true focus and requires a deadline-oriented approach. Neen works 15-minute blocks of time. "Yo