Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Meagan Hooper on Women Worldwide



Meagan Hooper, entrepreneur and founder of bSmartguide.com, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Megan’s  platform, bSmartguide.com, is an online portal where women can learn, connect and promote their brands in order to achieve success and obtain their goals. Previously, Meagan spent a decade-long career on Wall Street, working her way up from Administrative Assistant for the founder of a premier hedge fund, to the firm's Chief Operating Officer. Self-taught in the world of finance, Meagan's expertise was quickly recognized, as she became Director of Operations for a global wealth management firm, overseeing $4 billion in assets across multiple asset classes. On the show, Meagan shares her passion for Millennials; how they're breaking down barriers and going past the stereotypes in their communities. With a focus on technological resources and collaboration, you can make this happen. At the same time, she says you're able to create a culture of listening and being who you're meant to be. On ta