Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Lauren Leader-Chivee on Women Worldwide



Lauren Leader-Chivee, co-founder, and CEO of All In Together (AIT) and the author of Crossing the Thinnest Line: How Embracing Diversity-from the Office to the Oscars-Make America Stronger  joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Lauren has dedicated her career to closing the most critical personal, professional and political gender gaps for women. In addition to her role at AIT, Lauren is an Executive Advisor to Deloitte working with a range of global companies on their most pressing diversity issues. On the show, Lauren discussed how the thinnest of lines separate groups. Establishing an emotional connection, through a shared experience, makes you less of an outsider and helps you to understand different cultures. The shared experience also leads to relationships and trust. She gave examples of soldiers in the military and prison populations. Lauren offered insights on Millennials as a generation, who are much more accepting and inclusive. You can see the trend of Millennials moving to urban ar