Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jenny Ta on Women Worldwide



Jenny Ta, CEO of Sqeeqee and co-founder of VCNetwork.co, joins host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Jenny began her career with strong roots in the financial world and working on Wall Street. Jenny is known as a serial entrepreneur. She has built, launched and sold two of her companies. More recently in 2016, together with her partner, Shinta W. Dhanuwardoyo (Founder/CEO of Bubu.com), VCNetwork.co was launched to help forward-thinking VC firms and individual VCs find the startups that have what it takes to succeed. Today, Jenny mentors start-ups and focuses on shaking up the current VC models making VC funding more entrepreneurial friendly. On the show, Jenny shared how the funding for women entrepreneurs is slow progress. She and her partner Shinta work to create a bridge for entrepreneurs who hit one wall after another as they seek funding. They act as the role of connectors to make the introductions to high worth investors so there is an opportunity on both sides. Jenny discussed her thoughts on w